Photography Books I recommend
The photography books I recommend If you are a photographer or looking for a gift for a photographer then this list is for you. One of...
YONGNUO YN685 Review
Here is the Yongnuo YN685 review and a short comparison will be coming to Canon’s flagship model,  the 600EX II-RT. Canon’s Speedlite...
Photography and Videography Tutorials Online
You can learn anything online! Check out these Photography and Videography Tutorials Online. The ugly truth about online tutorials is...

Wedding Photography Schedules
Bruce Lee Wedding Photography Schedule Made Easy “You must be shapeless, formless, like water. When you pour water in a cup, it becomes...
A review of the Canon Vixia HF G40
Here is the review for the Canon Vixia HF G40 released a little over a year ago. Canon says is ideal for “advanced amateur filmmakers,...
Hand launching DJI Phantom
DJI Phantom Vision 2 Plus Aerial Videographer, Pilot: Matt Fukushima Ground Videographer, Quad Catcher: Jim...