When I first arrived in Manhattan Beach at Pollywog Park the first thing I thought was that I should have brought my wife and son with me. Often times I bring them along on engagement sessions and they run off and play while I shoot. It is a cute little park and would have been a 4 year old’s dream. -Next time buddy!
Meeting Lilet and Brian there for their engagement session was a photog’s dream. Every direction brought beautiful backgrounds and fun ideas. Lilet and Brian were awesome to shoot with too! Just an all around great day.
In a few months I get to shoot Lilet and Brian’s wedding at the Neighborhood Church in Palos Verdes. Yet another stellar spot. My thoughts get fuzzy, but my second or third wedding was at that church and having shot there many times since I have lots of fond memories of the area.
Sound track courtesy of the lovely DeeDee O’Malley, you can find her stellar selection of music at http://www.deedeemusic.com/.